Commodity Traders

We analyze billions of climate signals in real-time to predict commodity price movements so you can maximize your Alpha.

Data Characteristics

Trade confidently with the most predictive climate risk signals for agricultural commodities in the industry.

20 years of daily historical climate data, updated every 24 hours

14 million locations covered globally at the most granular level

Custom machine learning models for each commodity

99% accuracy of climate data, tested daily for quality assurance

Introducing the CommodiTrack™ Dashboard

Trading agricultural commodity futures just got that much easier. View trading recommendations and price updates, monitor climate risk trends, and stay informed of the latest news affecting the markets.

Highly predictive of price movements

Fueled by our proprietary risk modeling, our risk and trading signals predict large shifts in commodity prices months in advance with over 90% accuracy.

Cocoa case study >

Anticipate supply disruptions before the market

Utilizing dozens of custom machine-learning models, our platform and reports identify which commodities and countries are highest risk for supply disruptions and how it will impact commodity prices.

Outperform the market >

See the power of our Global Commodity Reports (GCRs)

Delivered to your inbox weekly, our reports are the most predictive in the industry.

Better data in a volatile world

Agricultural commodity disruptions and price volatility are at an all-time high - and getting worse with climate change.

Free yourself from climate data that is too high-level, often outdated, and not predictive of commodity price movements.

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Data available via API, CSV, and Excel plugins

Enhance your analysis and enhance model effectiveness using our user-friendly API, CSV files, and Excel plugin options. Our climate data seamlessly integrates into your existing models.

Talk to our team >

Man looking at computer screens trading commidities

Custom analysis

Our team of data scientists and AI/ML engineers can work with you to create custom reports or build bespoke models to help you better predict commodity prices.

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